Parapolimeni - Una selezione di disegni di Cinzia Delnevo

Parapolimeni - Una selezione di disegni di Cinzia Delnevo

7 May 2021

On the occasion of the "Europe Day", held on 9th May every year to celebrate the anniversary of the "Schuman Declaration".
7th May h.11 online on Facebook and Youtube
Webinar: "Europe: from history to present. Values and cultural heritage"
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe
Director of Council of Europe
Venice Office
Gabor Sonkoly
President of Panel
European Heritage Label
Alessandro Laruffa
Sapienza University of Rome
Marcello Verga (Firenze University)
Special Commissioner of the
"Istituto Storico Italiano per l'Età Moderna e Contemporanea"

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